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Here are links to my NPR appearances and commentaries.


Here are links to my blog(g)ingheads appearanc​es


4/29/16: I interview Michael Kinsley at Washington's Politics & Prose bookstore about his book
Old Age: A Beginner's Guide.  


2/18/16: Talk on inequality and the rise of the corporate lobby sponsored by North Jersey Public Policy

Network at Fairleigh Dickinson.


7/23/15: I moderate a panel of former Social Security commissioners on the 80th anniversary of the program.


7/21/15: I interview Richard Trumka (that's me pitching questions off camera) for Politico.


6/21/15: Bloggingheads dialog with Peter Cappelli on the skills gap.


5/6/15: Politico panel: "Is There A Skills Gap Or Isn't There?" 


4/3/15: I discuss the disappointing March jobs numbers on Cspan. 


3/6/15: Talk on inequality at Stetson Law School conference, Gulfport, Florida.

2/16/15: Bloggingheads conversation with Thomas Geoghegan about his book Only One Thing Can Save Us.


11/20/14: Newseum launch event for Politico's Labor & Employment vertical (in which I interview Labor Secretary Tom Perez, and also Reps. Rosa DeLauro, D.-Ct., and Phil Roe, R.-Tenn.; I also discuss labor's midterms thumpin' with Politico's Anna Palmer and Steve Shepard).


10/14/14: University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign lecture on income inequality and education.


10/14/14: I read from The Great Divergence at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign


8/31/14: I discuss the McDonnell trial, culture wars, and guns with Matthew Schmitz on


8/26/14: MSNBC: The low-wage economy, in 30 seconds.


4/8/14: blog(g)ingheads debate on minimum wage with Glenn Loury; Atlantic highlight reel.


2/17/14: MSNBC: "NOW With Alex Wagner" segment on Chattanooga VW plant's union vote. 


12/14/13: MSNBC: "Up With Steve Kornacki" segments on gunsinequality, and unemployment.


11/26/13: MSNBC: "The Agenda" segment on Obamacare.


11/6/13: American University debate with Charles Murray. 


9/25/13: Cspan: Washington Journal.


9/23/13: MSNBC: "The Agenda" segment on guns and Hillary '16.


8/9/13 MSNBC:"The Agenda" segment on Syria, debt ceiling, and Bloomberg.


8/26/13: MSNBC: "Morning Joe."


8/19/13: "The Agenda" segment on the Heritage Foundation and Obamacare.


6/13/13: MSNBC: "The Agenda" segment on GOP and rape.


5/2/13: MSNBC: "The Agenda" segment on the "political intelligence" racket


4/29/13: MSBC "The Agenda" segment on National Scence Foundation and wealth inequality.


4/3/13: HuffPoLive segment on paying retail clerks a living wage.


3/17/13: Video essay on income mobility, CBS Sunday Morning.


2/20/13: I talk liberals and guns on Lawrence O'Donnell's Last Word (MSNBC).


2/7/13: George Washigton Law panel on financialization and inequality.


2/4/13: "Inequality and the 2012 Electon" (UC Santa Barbara Walter Capps Center).


1/21/13: Interview in CBC report on American Dream.


12/19/12: Thom Hartmann interview, part one and part two.


11/12/12: Park Avenue (Alex Gibney documentary for PBS)


11/3/12: Solutions panel at Mass Humanities "Mind The Gap" symposium on income inequality (Boston College). With Jamie Galbraith, Mark Santow, and Will Wlikinson.


10/17/13: With Joshua Trevino on Blo(g)gingheads.


7/11/12: Zocalo-sponsored talk in L.A.


6/13/12: The Last Word (Lawrence O'Donnell) on MSNBC


6/5/12: The Dylan Ratigan Show on MSNBC.


6/1/12: "The Big Picture" interview with Thom Hartmann


5/30/12: New America "Politics of Inequality" event with David Corn.


5/19/12: Gaithersburg Book Festival on CSPAN


5/11/12: Morning Joe on MSNBC


5/7/12: Seattle Town Hall appearance


5/4/12: NOW With Alex Wagner on MSNBC.


4/30/12: Bloggingheads interview with Glenn Loury.


4/30/12: Yahoo! Finance interview with Dan Gross and Henry Blodget.


4/24/12: Kickoff Great Divergence panel at the Century Foundation in New York City with Greg Anrig, Dan Alpert, Robert Hockett, and Dorian Warren.


4/24/12: interview with Greg Greenberg.


5/26/11: Sidney Hillman award ceremony. (Presenter: Rick Hertzberg)


11/1/10: New America Foundation forum on income inequality. (Mediator: Reid Cramer)


10/24/10: CBS Sunday Morning (video essay on income inequality)


9/28/10: PBS NewsHour. (Intervew with Gwen Ifill)


9/14/10: Bloggingheads (Debate on income inequality with Mickey Kaus)


Radio interviews and podcasts:


9/3/19: I discuss the American gerontocracy on public radio in Texas ("Texas Standard").


12/20/17: I discuss the tax bill and inequality on "One Year Later" (KCRW).


5/1/17: I discuss May Day with Harry Holzer and Joshua Johnson on 1A (NPR).


1/3/17: I discuss Obama's legacy on "To the Point" (KCRW).


9/28/16: I discuss the death of the phone call (by phone).


7/27/16: I discuss the Democratic convention on Colin McInroe show, WNPR.


1/4/16: I discuss Obama's home-stretch regulations and executive orders on Wisconsin Public Radio.


2/27/15: I discuss James Truslow Adams, who coined "the American dream," on public radio's BackStory.


4/24/14: KCRW (public radio) "To the Point" interview.


4/13/14: NYT Book Review podcast on Matt Taibbi book.


4/5/14: NPR "All Things Considered" piece on migration (I'm inteviewed at the end).


11/9/13: APPAM panel on "Challenge of Global Inequality" with James Galbraith, Branko Milanovic, and others.


10/21/13: "America Weekend" (interview with Paul Harris).


10/16/13: "Tell Me More" (NPR) interview about job migration.


9/19/13: "Virtually Speaking" interview with Jay Ackroyd.


9/13/13: "To The Point" with Warren Olney (KCRW).


8/23/13: Electric politics podcast with Geoge Kenney.


7/12/13: Oxfam "Losing Ground" panel on poverty and inequality.


7/4/13: "To The Point" interview on social class and the movies (KCRW).


5/20/13: "Carl In The Morning" (Portland, Ore.), at 91:53.


10/19/12: "Tell Me More" discussion with Michel Martin and Irwin Redlener (NPR)


10/18/12: "The Takeaway" debate with Ed Conard.


9/28/12: "Heartland Labor Forum," KKFI (Kansas City, Mo.).


8/5/12: "America's Democrats" interview.


8/2/12: INN World Report Radio


6/11/12: NPR "Tell Me More" interview with Michel Martin and Peter Edelman.


6/8/12: "Culture Shocks" interview with Barry Lynn


5/29/12: "The Bat Segundo Show" (interiew with Edward Champion).


5/19/12: "Conversations with Lizz Sommars" KMTT Seatle


5/14/12: "On Point With Tom Ashbrook," WBUR (debating Edward "Inequality Is Good For You" Conard; I come in at 20:45 ).


5/10/12: "Late Mornings" KVON Napa with Jeff Schechtman


5/7/12: Audio of Town Hall Seattle lecture.


5/4/12: Slate political gabfest with Emily Bazelon and John Dickerson.


4/28/12: "In The Balance" (BBC).


4/26/12: "Talk Of The Nation" (NPR)


4/24/12: "The Takeaway" (NPR)


4/24/12: "The Brian Lehrer Show" (WNYC)


4/17/12: "The Madeleine Brand Show" (KPCC)


4/13/12: Truthdig (KPFK) 


1/30/12: WSKG (SUNY)


10/13/10: "Talk of the Nation" (NPR)


9/23/10: "All Things Considered" (NPR)


9/14/10: "To the Point" (KCRW)


Other CBS Sunday Morning video essays:


4/3/11: "Ban The Benjamins!"


3/14/10: "Why The Filibuster Deserves No Respect"


5/4/09: "Hire Failures To Give Commncement Speehes"


2/11/09: "Against 'Change'"


20th century curios from Cspan's archive: 


2/16/00: I explain online journalsm.


3/1/99: I explain Slate and my Chatterbox column.


4/19/95: I moderate a Washington Monthly panel on education.


8/11/88: I discuss the 1988 veepstakes.


4/26/88: I discuss my Newsweek cover story about the state of education five years after the "Nation At Risk" report.


11/13/87: I discuss the week's news. Chief significance of this appearance is that it prompted my future father-in-law to comment rudely about my sport jacket in a phone message to my future wife, Marjorie Williams, who accidentally played it for me. Jacket is indeed a crime against all that is decent. 


1/9/86: I discuss the week's news. Joe Davidson and I both giggle at the idea that Pat Buchanan would ever run for president, which of course he did six years later and multple times thereafter. 


Bonus Cspan clip:


6/8/01: Marjorie Williams discusses her Vanity Fair piece about the troubled "marriage" between Bill Clinton and Al Gore. A rare online video clip of my late wife, who regarded appearing on TV as the rough equivalent to dental surgery.

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